Pre Destined and Destiny women is an international charity based in England which was founded primary with the vision to help women struggling with poverty or any disadvantage caused by all sorts of socio-economic and cultural circumstances of life. We live in the 21st century and we still witness so much poverty in many countries, and not only in developing countries but also locally.


A big part of our work is also dedicated to help women in Africa who have been affected by the aftermath of war atrocities, especially in The Democratic Republic of Congo situated in Central Africa where violence to women has been going on for more than a decade now. After few visits around towns and villages, we were overwhelmed by the human crisis and poverty but mostly by the conditions of lives of women over there.

Nonetheless the charity is set to help and work with all people regardless of one’s faith as its foremost purpose is to help people to build a life worth living and believe in their own capabilities.

Loneliness in England is another kind of poverty that affects the mental state of a person and can cause depression, self destruction, anxiety and other mental health issues. A recent survey has established that in UK, there are more people aged over 55 years old who live alone. As a result Preddw will look at how to send volunteers keep in touch with our elderly by providing social support wherever possible, supporting our local Age UK and other agencies that work with the elderly . Everyone can become lonely anytime anywhere, young or old .

We have noticed that there is a great deal of isolation in our communities ,caused by being homeless, jobless, singleness , health problems, divorce , refugees status, bereavement, jobless, and many more. Funds and resources permitting, Preddw will endeavour to provide moral support and organise regular visits within reasons, to make sure people befriended within their communities.

The Management Team